Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I know it's been a while...

We got our LOI today. It looks like we'll be traveling in December. Truthfully, I have absorbed myself in my work since September. Once I heard that we wouldn't get any news until at least early November, I had to buckle down and focus on something else for a while. Of course, that doesn't mean that I am not thinking of our little boy everyday. However, I just felt so deflated...after setting ourselves up for the August/September timeline, and having that time pass without word. I have imagined getting to this step over and over, but couldn't allow myself to drown in disappointment as each day passed with no news. Luckily, we both love our jobs. This allows for some relief in the day to day.

So now we're here. We feel a rush of excitement, but hold onto a little anxiety. Until we are looking at our son, I think we'll be slightly reserved. Years of adversity have built up my hesitant nature. Buz is definitely my resource for positive thoughts. He seems so content. His demeanor exudes confidence in this process and our journey to parenthood.

I have much to do, as I have put some items off because it was difficult to stare down the endless wait. Now I will dig deep and work at completing my list.

December...we have to believe...it's time.


Anonymous said...

It's time!

What an awesome Christmas present! I am so thrilled for you guys and for Justin, boy is he one lucky kid. I cannot wait to meet him.

Let me know what we can do to help :-)

RHOWIN said...

I can hardly believe what I am seeing. I check regularly for news and often wonder how you bear the interminable waiting. Mike and I are so glad to hear this wonderful news! You're enduring patience is about to pay off! We agree, Justin is a very lucky boy!